Becoming More Like Jesus

Becoming More Like Jesus

It seems like the desire to be more like Jesus has been all but lost in western Christianity. With most Christians embracing an “anything goes” mindset, it’s no wonder that their lives look mostly like their worldly counterparts. But Jesus told us that as followers of...
Why Sin Leads to Death

Why Sin Leads to Death

There seems to be a lot of confusion not only in the body of Christ, but in society at large regarding the nature of sin. Not having a proper understanding of sin and its consequences, however, will almost inevitably lead a person to becoming deceived by it. I believe...
How to Put God’s Word into Practice

How to Put God’s Word into Practice

When Christians see injustices, or otherwise unrighteous behavior taking place in the world, it seems like their first resolve is to let people know, “But the Bible says ….!” The only problem is, not very many Christians seem to have mastered the art of doing what the...
Why Jesus Spoke in Parables

Why Jesus Spoke in Parables

One of the quintessential trademarks of Jesus’ ministry is that he taught in parables. Yet, so few Christians seem to understand the takeaways Jesus intended for people to understand through those parables. At one point his disciples even asked him, “Why do you speak...