Why Understanding Grace Makes You More Thankful
Posted November 3, 2020

When most people think of becoming more thankful, they immediately think of becoming more mindful of the “things” they possess. But earthly things (even relationships) are temporary, and subject to change.

Now, I’m not saying we SHOULDN’T be thankful for things. But what I am saying, is that if you want to experience the greatest amount of peace, and maintain a more constant state of ongoing thankfulness, then you need to understand the real purpose of grace.

You see, God’s grace is not a “thing.” In fact, it’s more like an action whose genesis is from God, and that produces his supernatural power in your life. The bible clearly teaches that the Gospel (or “good news” of Jesus) is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16).

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

That means whenever we understand all the good things that Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection represented; it opens up the door for God’s power to work in our lives to bring us the fulfillment of all of God’s promises.

Understanding the gospel, therefore, is about consistently experiencing the miraculous power of God moving in your life.

  • When you go from waking up depressed and not wanting to do life most days of the week, to jumping out of bed and being inspired to start the day – that’s the power of grace.

  • When you quit tearing down your spouse because of your own vulnerabilities, and start loving him unconditionally by seeking ways to minister to him – that’s the power of grace.

  • When you stop living paycheck to paycheck and spending every dime you have, and instead become disciplined to pay your bills on time and invest in your future – that’s the power of grace.

Since grace, (God’s power) teaches us how to restrain ourselves, including our own personal wants and desires, and to live according to God’s best plan for our lives (Titus 2:11-12), operating in this power is the surest way to cultivate more consistent thankfulness in your life, because grace brings peace.

There is no amount of possessions you could acquire, relationships you could have, or places you could go, that could ever be more important or more valuable than living a life of peace.

And whenever we get to a place where we’re living in God’s best because his power is effortlessly flowing through us and bringing us into a life we could never have manifested in our own strength, that kind of grace will produce true, unwavering thankfulness whose source has no end.


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